Marie Forleo shared in her latest podcast that the age expectancy in the USA has been DECREASING consistently in the last 3 years. I was so shocked by this statistic I forgot to drink the rest of my green tea.
Why? Drug overdose, alcohol addiction, suicide.
Why? Increased stress, burn out, anxiety, depression.
Why? We’re not looking after ourselves, we’re not paying attention to our bodies.
Because it’s still not OK not to be OK.
As I dive deeper into this world of yoga and mental health, I recognise the parts of myself I don’t fully accept yet. The desire to do it all on my own and not let others see where I fall short.
We are talking about mental and emotional health more than ever, and there’s still a strong stigma around it. How can we start to shift this? The best way, I think, is to start with yourself.
Start with embracing your own ups and downs, your own times of panic and uncertainty, your own “meh” days.
Stop pushing your emotions down and feel them.
It’s ok. You have the tools to create a place where it’s safe to feel.
When you allow yourself to be where you’re at, you allow others around you to do the same.
The only way to be OK with those around us not being OK, is to be OK when it comes up in us. To be OK with the discomfort in ourselves and others.
To not rush to fix or offer solutions, but to just hold space.
P.S.: this reminder is for myself too – as with everything yoga, it’s a practice!