The things we can do

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However you are feeling today, it’s completely okay.

I’ve had moments of relief, moments of panic, moments of happiness, moments of grief, moments of surrender, moments of anger, moments of hopefulness, moments of denial, moments of acceptance.

As we are experiencing this traumatic event on a global scale, my intention this week has been to focus on the things that I can do. Even the little things:

  • I can cook nourishing food 
  • I can take deep breaths
  • I can keep moving my body
  • I can think of 3 things I am grateful for
  • I can cut my own hair (maybe?)

In yoga the solar plexus (between the navel and the lower ribs) is our power center. This is where ideas transform into reality, this is the place driving us into action, it is the source of self-confidence and personal power. 

Why is it so important that we tap into our personal power right now? Often with trauma, our ability to take action was taken away from us. Which can be how some of us are experiencing the current situation. With so many of our usual activities cancelled, our habits having to change, feeling “stuck” at home, feelings of stress, anxiety or depression are so common.

This practice is a way to re-connect with our personal power through movement and sound. You can do it seated or standing and it only takes a few minutes!

Practice (Power Hara breath):

Start seated or standing with your feet (barefoot if you can!) firmly planted into the floor. Feel each of your toes connecting to the floor, notice the texture of the floor, if it feels cold or hot, smooth or rough. 

Place your fingertips on your shoulders so that your elbows point out.

Breathe in about halfway as you twist to the left.
Breathe in the rest of the way as you twist to the right.

Exhale through your mouth with a powerful “ha” sound as you extend your right arm and twist to the left.
Exhale again through your mouth with a powerful “ha” sound as you extend your left arm and twist to the right.

Repeat 5 more times, then release your arms, close your eyes and feel into your body.