On restoring your body

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The first step you can take towards a healthy back is to create time and support for your body to release and restore.

We are so used to receiving information constantly, to be pulled in multiple directions that we use the stress response as a way to cope and process it all. The stress response is when your body perceives a threat: your breath is faster, adrenaline is pumping through your system, your muscles are tense and your “non-essential” functions (such as digestion, shut down. Your body is getting ready to fight or run.

Spending most of our days in fight or flight mode can be detrimental and it is so important to create time and space to turn on our relaxation response.
The relaxation response slows your breath down, your organs are working optimally and your body gets time to heal. This is the intention behind Restorative Yoga, to create a space for your body to deeply rest and tap into your innate ability to heal.

Why is Restorative Yoga important when it comes to back health?

Often when there is discomfort in the back, we avoid getting into certain shapes because it doesn’t feel safe. In Restorative Yoga, you get an opportunity to move the spine in all directions – in a supported and safe environment. We use a lot of props such as bolsters, blankets, blocks to support the body in forward bends, back bends and twists to create a different experience.

For example, when there is discomfort in the lower back, there can be resistance towards going into a back bend. Using a bolster and blanket to support the back, head and shoulders can send a different message to your body that it’s OK to let go of tension and open.

Let your body know it’s safe with you – whether a quiet whisper or a loud sigh.