Our mental health doesn’t just live in our minds, it lives in our bodies.
As a yoga therapist specialized in mental and emotional health, I’m here to help you navigate anxiety, depression, burnout and trauma recovery through the body.
Holistic health happens when we bring all the pieces together and when we learn
to access our mental health beyond the mind.
Yoga Therapy brings the body into mental and behavioral health care.
Through cultivating awareness of the body, learning tools for self-regulation, creating a space for compassionate enquiry and reclaiming agency, we build trust and safety in ourselves.
To move through life present, centered, empowered.
you don’t have to do it on your own

I’m Anne-Laure Peaucelle (she/her).
I’m a trauma-sensitive yoga therapist with 3000+ hours of training, education and teaching experience.
I’m on a mission to make the body an integral part of mental health care and trauma healing.
I believe it starts with each of us AND healthcare facilities understanding the role of the body in trauma and mental health care.
what I offer
An online membership and community to learn, practice and get ongoing support through yoga therapy if you are navigating anxiety, depression, burnout or trauma recovery.
A lot of mental health care doesn’t include our bodies.
Through individual sessions we’ll create truly supportive and nourishing practices to meet where you’re at and help you move forward.
Let’s find more ease and self-trust, together.